For four fruit cups, you'll want 2 oranges, and any fresh fruit choices that you and the kids in your life enjoy, such as strawberries, grapes, bananas and apples. Feel free to add any other tasty ingredients that you might have in your pantry - like walnuts or coconut - or stir in a favorite flavor of yogurt - lemon is especially delicious with the fresh fruit.
Cut 2 oranges in half, trying to keep all halves about the same size. If there is a bumpy surface on the bottom side, trim a small slice off so that the orange cup will sit level and not roll around.
Scoop out the orange segments (over a medium size mixing bowl) using a small sized spoon, like a teaspoon. The easiest way is to push the tip of the spoon down between the orange and the rind for each segment, then push the spoon downward and toward the center of the orange to scoop out as much of the segment as you can. Try not to push or scrape too hard so you can keep the orange cup in one piece.
If the segments don't come away from the rind in neat pieces, don't worry. Just scoop out the orange pieces into the bowl and let all the orange juice run into the bowl. This will add great flavor to the other fruits.
Add all the other fresh fruit choices to the same mixing bowl and stir it with a large spoon so all the fruits (and yogurt, if you add that too) are combined.
When that's done, fill the orange cups to overflowing with the fresh fruit mixture. That's it! They're ready to eat!
If you're going to make the orange cups ahead of time, you can wrap them individually in plastic wrap and use a twisty tie to seal them. Set them in the frig and they'll be a great cool treat for after school or late night, or next morning's breakfast.
Wrapping them and tying them with a bright ribbon also makes a colorful and tasty party or picnic idea.
You'll probably have some leftover mixed fruit, so invite the kids to refill their orange cups for a second helping! This is one treat you can fix where it's okay for the kids to get stuffed too!
Adults will want to make sure, as always, to supervise kids in the kitchen. And after snack time is over, a couple of empty orange cups and a bucket of water can make for lots of splishy splashy fun time, especially for kids on hot summer days!
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